Oh, hey! Well done, you found me! I am so happy about that I could cry. Well, well, I probably cried already today, so I'll jump up and down instead.
The title of the blog says it all. Education is a myth, the one I follow, the one I believe in very strongly. Education is the key to everything, to peace in the world, or at least peace in the home. Young people are the future and if we don't nurture them, we will harvest spoiled crops and we will starve. You want a proof?
- Two kids throw stones, a baby dies Education could have changed that. Yes, it is a tragic accident, but the same action might have occurred before, what do you think? Just like any other kid who throws a stone, because it is fun, it goes "bang" and they get a reaction. Do you agree with my point?
- The killings in Norway: unbelievable problem of society and politics and yet, when you scratch the surface, what do you see? An exploded family, a difficult childhood, as a sum up, a tragedy of education.
- The death of 10-year old Myles Neuts, another story of education. The "crime" was supposedly committed by two bullies. Never charged, they never apologized. Education as an onset for these two boys, education as an outcome for Mike, Myles' father, who tours the countries schools to teach kids about bullying.
- A 12-year old murderer with a mother who gave birth to him when she was 12: no judgment, here, but again the obvious need for education to be constant and respectful.
- And not to forget Jamie Bulger's killers: unreported by school, unreported by neighbors, who served half their sentence and got out, protected by law. One of them is now back in prison.
OK, I agree with you, most kids who have a lacking education don't end up gunning down people and killing family members, but still, it supports my point that education is vital, not just for criminals but for everyone, because ultimately criminals are people, with a Mum and a Dad and teachers who cared for them through the tenders years of childhood and somehow, it went wrong.
Now, the alarm comes up when we consider single motherhood. All the "criminals" quoted above grew up in a "broken up" family. So, I ask myself this question: is single motherhood a breeding ground for criminality?
According to the research I have done, it is possible to link single parenting with criminality in all its aspects (violence, chemical substance abuse...), but mostly because of the fact that a single parent (Mum usually) struggles for custody on many occasions, has difficulties to find a permanent job and keep it, has to leave the kid(s) alone at home more than duet parents, and basically lives under the threshold of poverty.
All my blogs on Blogger aim at helping Mums who find themselves in that situation: alone with the kids. In this case, education (academics, school) is an issue, but money and parenting too.
I hope this helps.